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Bemoanning the Manna

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Numbers 11:6 vividly depicts the Israelites complaining during their wilderness wandering. “But now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all; we have nothing but this manna to look at.” Imagine it: Daily, miraculous bread appeared from heaven – a gift, pure and simple. Yet, the Israelites grumbled. Their focus shifted from the blessing itself to a longing for what they didn’t have. They remembered the “good old days” in Egypt (which weren’t that good!), “We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic” (Num 11:5). How soon they forget these free foods came at the cost of their lives as slaves.

Isn’t it just like us? We pray for a specific blessing. God answers. And then… we find something to complain about! Maybe the job isn’t exactly what we envisioned. Perhaps the answered prayer doesn’t align with our specific timeline. Or perhaps our health improves, but not as dramatically as we hoped, so we focus on the remaining symptoms instead of the progress made. Like the Israelites, we can minimize the blessing in front of us by comparing it to something else, something we think we’d rather have.

The Comparison Trap:

The Israelites’ issue wasn’t just ingratitude; it was comparison. They compared manna to the variety of foods they remembered in Egypt (BTW, have you ever noticed how they focus on the foods that give you bad breath?). Comparison is a dangerous game. It breeds discontent and steals our joy. Proverbs 27:20 wisely states, “Sheol and the abyss are never filled, and never satisfied are the eyes of man.” Just as the grave is never full, our eyes are never satisfied with what they see, constantly wanting more.

This insatiable desire fuels comparison, leading us to covet what others have and diminishing the blessings in our own lives. Like the Israelites, we can minimize the great blessings in front of us by comparing them to something else, something we think we’d rather have. This constant craving for “more” prevents us from appreciating the “enough” that God has already graciously provided.

Remembering God’s Faithfulness:

The antidote to complaining and comparison is remembering. The Israelites had notoriously short memories! Psalm 78 provides a powerful example of this cycle of divine faithfulness and human forgetfulness. The Psalmist recounts God’s mighty acts: "He divided the sea and led them through; he made the water stand like a heap. In the daytime, he led them with a cloud, and all the night with a fiery light… He split rocks in the wilderness and gave them drink abundantly… He rained down on them manna to eat.” (Psa 78:13-14, 15, 24). Yet, despite these clear demonstrations of His power and love, the Israelites “forgot His works and the wonders that He had shown them” (Psalm 78:11).

When we take time to reflect on God’s faithfulness in our lives, remembering specific instances where He has intervened and provided, it shifts our perspective from what we lack to what we have been given, strengthening our trust in His continued provision. Just as the Psalmist urges remembrance, we, too, should “declare His glory among the nations” (Psa 78:4), both for our benefit and as a testimony to others.

Cultivating Contentment:

Philippians 4:11-12 gives us a powerful lesson in contentment: “Not that I speak regarding need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things, I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” Contentment isn’t an innate human quality; it’s a learned skill, a discipline we must cultivate. It’s not about passively accepting our circumstances but rather actively choosing to trust in God’s provision and sovereignty, regardless of our situation.

The key to contentment lies in verse 13: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” This acknowledges that true contentment comes not from our willpower but from the strength and grace that God provides. It’s a recognition of our dependence on Him and a surrender to His will.

Let’s challenge ourselves this week. When a complaint bubbles up, pause. Take a moment to acknowledge the blessings in your life that might be overshadowed by that grumbling spirit. Remember God’s faithfulness. Practice contentment. Instead of bemoaning the manna, let’s praise the Provider. This shift in perspective, from complaint to gratitude, can transform our hearts and minds. It allows us to experience the joy and peace that come from trusting in God’s abundant provision, even during challenging circumstances.

Astonished by the Gospel!

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Astonished by the Gospel!

Have you ever been completely blown away by something unexpected?

That’s exactly what happened to Sergius Paulus, a Roman official, in Acts 13:4-12. Note v. 12, “Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had occurred, for he was astonished at the teaching of the Lord.” Through the power of the Spirit, Sergius witnessed Paul strike the sorcerer Elymas with temporary blindness. Elymas was an ardent opponent of the gospel, trying to turn Sergius away from the faith. But, through this miraculous act, Sergius saw the truth and power of the gospel. If I had been writing v. 12, I would have probably put the astonishment on “what had occurred.” I mean, a guy being struck blind was pretty shocking!

But it was more than the miracle that astonished him. It was the teaching about Jesus that truly captivated his heart. Such supernatural events drew the world's attention, but it was the life-changing truth of the gospel of Jesus that truly unlocked hearts.

Imagine this: a man of power and authority, used to the ways of the world, suddenly encountering the radical message of forgiveness, mercy, love, and grace. It turned his world upside down!

From the Proconsul’s experience, let’s learn:

• The Gospel isn’t informational; it’s transformational. Just as the proconsul was astonished, we must proclaim the message that captivates hearts and minds, leading to genuine transformation. That’s astonishing!

• The Gospel is the ultimate solution to humanity’s deepest needs. People are searching for meaning, purpose, and forgiveness. Miracles are marvelous, a helping hand is, well helpful, but astonish them by showing how Jesus fulfills those needs.

• The Gospel is for everyone. Just as the proconsul, a Gentile, was welcomed into the faith, we must share the message inclusively, recognizing that God’s grace extends to all. Astonishing!

The Gospel is the good news that God loves us and sent his Son, Jesus, to die for our sins so that we could have eternal life (John 3:16). It’s a message of hope and forgiveness that can change anyone’s life, regardless of their past. When we share the gospel with others, we’re not just giving them information; we’re offering them the opportunity to experience the same astonishment that Sergius Paulus did.

Sergius Paulus’ conversion reminds us that the gospel is truly astonishing! Let us be amazed by this truth, just like the proconsul, and proclaim this incredible message of hope to the world.

What about you? Have you experienced the astonishment of God's grace?

Open Doors: An Invitation to Courageous Faith

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Imagine a door swinging open, revealing an opportunity to share the gospel. Do you envision a welcoming person or crowd, eager to hear the good news? Many Christians associate “open doors” with effortless success and widespread acceptance. This optimistic view, while understandable, often overlooks a crucial reality woven throughout Scripture – “open doors” frequently lead to adversity, persecution, and even suffering. Why is this the case? Perhaps we’ve oversimplified certain verses or phrases missing the full context of their message, creating an effortless version of evangelism. Whatever the reason, it’s time to rediscover the true meaning of “open doors” in the Bible.

The Apostle Paul and the Trials of Open Doors

The apostle Paul’s missionary journeys provide a powerful illustration. After his first journey, he reported to the church in Antioch how God had “opened a door of faith to the Gentiles” (Acts 14:27), but this “open door” was hardly an opportunity for ease. It came at the cost of confrontation with magicians (Acts 13:8-12), persecution from jealous Jews (Acts 13:50, 14:5), and even a near-fatal stoning (Acts 14:19).

Later, in Ephesus, a “wide door for effective work” opened to Paul, but it was accompanied by “many adversaries” (1 Cor 16:8-9). These adversaries weren’t simply people who disagreed with him; they actively sought to harm him. He described his experience in Ephesus as “fighting with beasts” (1 Cor 15:32), likely a metaphor for his brutal opposition. This opposition culminated in a riot instigated by silversmiths whose livelihood depended on the pagan temple trade (Acts 19:23-27), forcing Paul to flee.

Even in Troas, Paul experienced deep anxiety and “a troubled spirit” due to concerns for his companions “even though a door was opened for me in the Lord” (2 Cor 2:12-13). His journey continued to Macedonia, where he found no respite: “even when we came into Macedonia, our bodies had no rest, but we were afflicted at every turn—fighting without and fear within” (2 Cor 7:5).

Even while imprisoned for his faith, Paul yearned for open doors. He pleaded with the Colossians to “pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ... that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak” (Col 4:3-4). Even in chains, he sought opportunities to proclaim the gospel, fully aware that these opportunities might come with further suffering.

Embracing the Challenge of Open Doors

When we pray for God to “open doors” for the gospel, we must be prepared to walk through those doors with courage and resilience. This means: Cultivating a deep faith (Col 1:9-12), Building a supportive community (2 Tim 2:22), and Developing perseverance (Rom 5:3-5).

Instead of shying away from the difficulties that often accompany opportunities to proclaim the good news, let us embrace them as a testament to the power of the gospel and the faithfulness of God. Let us pray for open doors but let us also pray for the strength to walk through them, no matter the cost.

The Assembly as an Evangelistic Tool

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Assembly as an Evangelistic Tool

Imagine this: a visitor pulls into our parking lot for the first time. It’s Sunday morning, and they’re seeking something more. Are we truly maximizing this golden opportunity to connect with seeking hearts? Let’s explore twelve intentional strategies to transform our Sunday gatherings into welcoming spaces where the message resonates deeply, authentic connections are made, and visitors encounter the life-changing power of faith and community.

1. Invite and bring people to the assembly. Personal invitations are key! While we often have visitors from the community (people with no ties to JH), the strongest connections frequently begin with a personal invitation. Studies repeatedly show most church visitors come because someone they know invited them. So, ask someone to join you for an assembly. It could be a friend, family member, neighbor, or colleague. Offer to pick them up, introduce them to others, and have them for lunch. Your invitation could be the first step in their journey of faith. \

2. Prioritize your attendance. A well-attended assembly speaks volumes and shows you value communal worship. Your consistent presence strengthens the church and creates a warmer, more inviting atmosphere for visitors. Choose to sit closer to the front and alongside others, demonstrating your commitment to our shared faith and creating a sense of belonging that draws others in.

3. Set the stage in the parking lot. Before visitors even step foot inside, the welcome begins in the parking lot. Let’s make it a positive one with friendly faces, a helping hand for those needing it, clear signage guiding the way, and convenient parking spots readily available. It’s about ensuring a smooth and welcoming transition from the outside world to the warmth and fellowship within our walls.

4. Keep the building clean. A clean, well-maintained building communicates respect for both visitors and the sacredness of the gathering. It’s a shared responsibility to maintain a welcoming environment. Simple acts like picking up trash, straightening songbooks, not leaving things in the pew, keeping bathrooms tidy, and staying on top of general maintenance can make a big difference.

5. Welcome everyone equally. Treat everyone with dignity and respect, recognizing that the visitor who appears to be looking for a handout may be just as spiritually hungry as the family with kids seeking a church home. A welcoming environment for all communicates, God’s love and acceptance, paving the way for hearts to be open to the Gospel.

6. Guide visitors with clarity. Newcomers shouldn’t feel lost or confused. Clear signage (Can they find the bathroom?) and concise explanations about the assembly’s flow (What do I do with the communion cups?) can go a long way in creating a welcoming atmosphere. By demystifying the experience, visitors can relax, engage, and focus on what truly matters.

7. Extend heartfelt hospitality. Don’t just offer a passing hello. Engage visitors in genuine conversation, letting them get to know you and the congregation personally. Introduce them to one or two other members. Extend warm invitations for them to sit with you and to connect further – perhaps by joining you for lunch, inviting them to an event we are having, or even offering a personal Bible study. Let our hospitality reflect Christ’s love, making visitors feel welcomed and valued while nurturing a potential relationship with God.

8. Listen to our visitors. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of welcoming visitors, but genuine connection requires us to pause and truly listen. What questions do they have about God, faith, or the church? Are they new to town? What circumstances or needs led them through our doors today? Our willingness to listen and understand can be the foundation for lasting connections and spiritual growth.

9. Participate and engage in the assembly. Your active participation speaks volumes. When visitors see you fully engaged in the assembly – joyfully singing, reading along in a Bible, jotting down notes, and responding with an enthusiastic “Amen!” – it shows them that this gathering truly matters. This collective energy is a powerful, unspoken invitation to join and experience the same connection.

10. Put something into the visitor’s hands. From a bulletin, an informative brochure about the congregation, a “Mark: 40 Days with Jesus” journaling study, or a quality Bible – all available at our Welcome Center – don’t let visitors leave empty-handed. Providing spiritual resources demonstrates that we are invested in helping them connect with God and extending the impact of their experience beyond the assembly.

11. Follow up. We offer connection cards not for record-keeping, but to build relationships. A handwritten note expressing gratitude and offering a warm invitation to future assemblies and/or events can make a lasting impact. If it’s a visitor you connected with, offer a personal invitation to talk over coffee, dinner one night, or lunch after an assembly. Every personal touch strengthens the connection and shows visitors they are valued.

12. Pray, pray, and pray some more. Recognizing the assembly is an evangelistic tool, then fervent prayer is essential. Pray for God to open doors and lead those who need His message to our assembly. Pray that the message, songs, prayers, and people will resonate deeply with each visitor, speaking to their specific needs and circumstances.

Our assembly time isn’t just a ritual; it’s an opportunity. Let’s commit to making every assembly a time where everyone participates in creating an engaging worship environment, connections are made, and visitors encounter the life-changing power of faith and community.

Exclamation! Question? Period. Punctuation in 2 Samuel 9:6

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Punctuation might seem like a small detail, but it can dramatically alter how we read, and perhaps, interpret a passage. It’s like the musical notes of a sentence, guiding our tone and emphasis. Let’s take a closer look at how various punctuation choices in 2 Samuel 9:6 influence how we interpret the scene “And Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, son of Saul, came to David and fell on his face and paid homage. And David said…”

ESV, NIV, CSB: “Mephibosheth!”

The exclamation mark paints a vivid picture of David’s enthusiasm. Imagine him exclaiming with joy, almost leaping to his feet as he recognizes the son of his dear friend Jonathan. There’s a sense of warmth and eager welcome.

NKJV, NET, WEB: “Mephibosheth?”

The question mark paints a different picture altogether. Here, we sense David’s uncertainty. Perhaps Mephibosheth is hesitant, his face downcast, making David unsure if this is indeed the man he seeks. It adds a layer of tension and anticipation to the encounter.

NASB (in all its iterations) “Mephibosheth.”

The period in the NASB feels a bit flat in contrast to the first two, it gives us a more neutral reading.

This comparison highlights how punctuation acts as a subtle interpreter. While the words remain the same, the punctuation shapes our understanding of the scene, influencing how we imagine each person’s emotions and interactions. It reminds us that even seemingly minor details can play a significant role in how we engage with Scripture.

Just as a simple punctuation mark can change the tone of a sentence, our attitudes and interpretations can color how we read the Bible and, more importantly, how we live it out. Are we approaching the text with an open mind, or are we imposing our inflections that might miss the nuances of the meaning and application?

This week, I challenge you to take a familiar passage – maybe even this very story of David and Mephibosheth – and read it in several different translations. Pay attention to the punctuation, the word choices, and the subtle shifts in meaning. As you do, ask yourself: How might my preconceptions influence how I understand this passage?  How can I be more open to the surprising ways God speaks through His Word?


May we all be attentive readers of God’s Word, approaching it with humility and a willingness to be surprised.

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