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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/19/11 Rebelling Against God's Glory Doy Moyer Gospel Meeting (none) Gospel Meeting Rebelling_Against_God's_Glory_-_Doy_Moyer_-_041911.mp3
04/18/11 Trembling at My Word Doy Moyer Gospel Meeting God's Power for Restoration - 2011 Gospel Meeting Trembling_at_My_Word_-_Doy_Moyer_-_041811.mp3
04/17/11 Trusting the Bible Doy Moyer Gospel Meeting God's Power for Restoration - 2011 Gospel Meeting Trusting_the_Bible_-_Doy_Moyer_-_041711.mp3
04/17/11 Authority in Worship Doy Moyer Gospel Meeting God's Power for Restoration - 2011 Gospel Meeting Authority_in_Worship_-_Doy_Moyer_-_041711.mp3
04/17/11 Reform in the Kings Doy Moyer Gospel Meeting God's Power for Restoration - 2011 Gospel Meeting Reform_in_the_Kings_-_Doy_Moyer_-_041711.mp3
04/10/11 The Devil Knows Scripture Too Andrew Roberts Sermon (none) Sun AM The_Devil_Knows_the_Scriptures_Too_-_Andrew_Roberts_-_041011.mp3
04/10/11 The Shepherd Will Provide Blake Edwards Sermon (none) Sun PM The_Shephard_Will_Provide_-_Blake_Edwards_-_041011.mp3
04/03/11 Bible Baptism Joe Duvall Sermon (none) Sun AM When_Nature_Rages_-_Andrew_Roberts_-_032011.mp3 Bible_Baptism_-_Joe_Duvall_-_040311.mp3
04/03/11 Showing Christian Love Darren Dehut Sermon (none) Sun PM Showing_Christian_Love_-_Darrin_Dehut_-_040311.mp3
03/27/11 It's Not Just a Job Andrew Roberts Sermon (none) Sun AM Its_Not_Just_A_Job_-_Andrew_Roberts_-_032711.mp3
03/20/11 There are 2 Testaments Andrew Roberts Sermon (none) Sun AM There_Are_Two_Testaments_-_Andrew_Roberts_-_032011.mp3
03/13/11 The Power of Prayer Frederick Gray Sermon (none) Sun AM The_Power_of_Prayer_-_Freddric_Gray_-_031311.mp3
03/06/11 Why We Serve God Emerson Brown Sermon (none) Sun AM Emerson_Brown_-_030611.mp3
03/06/11 Dirty Feet and Proud Hearts Andrew Roberts Sermon (none) Sun PM Dirty_Feet_and_Proud_Heart_-_Andrew_Roberts_-_030611.mp3
02/20/11 The Passion to Please God Andrew Roberts Sermon (none) Sun AM The_Passion_to_Please_God_-_Andrew_Roberts_-_022011.mp3
02/20/11 Singing and Making Melody in the Heart Andrew Roberts Sermon (none) Sun PM Singing_and_Making_Melody_in_the_Heart_-_Andrew_Roberts_-_022011.mp3
02/13/11 Spiritual Warfare Dan DeGarmo Sermon (none) Sun AM Spiritual_Warfare_-_Dan_DeGarmo_-_021311.mp3
02/13/11 Our Weapons to Rescue a Captive Dan DeGarmo Sermon (none) Sun PM Weapons_For_Someone_Who_is_Taken_Captive_-_Dan_DeGarmo_-_021311.mp3
02/06/11 5 Things Matthew Taught Me About Jesus Doug Arney Sermon (none) Sun AM 5_Things_Matthew_Taught_Me_About_Jesus_-_Doug_Arney_-_020611.mp3
02/06/11 Driving Lessons and the Christian Life LJ Ciolkosz Sermon (none) Sun PM Driving_Lesson_-LJC_020611.mp3

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