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Luke / Acts Week 32 – Aug 5-9

Monday, August 05, 2024

Monday – Acts 2:42-47 The Fellowship of Believers
1. Luke concludes his Pentecost narrative with a portrait of the inner workings of the first Christian church. In your own words, summarize the culture and activities of the early church?
2. Imagine yourself as an early Christian in Jerusalem. Describe a typical day, what activities would fill your time, and what interactions might you have with fellow believers and others in the community?
3. Why do you think a devotion to these activities is critically important to the spiritual health of believers and a congregation? What risks do Christians and congregations face if anyone of these is neglected?

Tuesday – Acts 3:1-10 The Lame Beggar Healed
1. Shifting from a focus on the early church, Luke now presents a day in the life of Peter and John. Place yourself at the Beautiful Gate and describe what happens between Peter, John, and the lame man.
2. The beggar asks for money, but Peter and John address a deeper need. What is the relationship between the lame man’s physical healing and spiritual healing (ref. vv. 11-16; Luke 5:17-26)?
3. The formally lame man’s response to his healing is a picture of pure joy; he went “walking and leaping and praising God” (v. 8). What role does joy play in the life of a Christian? How can we cultivate and maintain that initial joy of salvation throughout our journey of faith?

Wednesday – Acts 3:11-26 Peter Speaks in Solomon’s Portico
1. In the shade of Solomon’s Portico, Peter once again preaches Jesus. What key points about Jesus does Peter emphasize in his impromptu sermon?
2. Peter concludes his sermon by emphasizing the importance of repentance. Identify the blessing that comes to those who repent.
3. Reflecting on Peter's sermon, identify one specific thought that resonated with you. Why does this message hold significance in your life? Write down the name of a friend or family member who doesn't know Jesus and share with them what you've learned.

Thursday – Acts 4:1-4 Peter and John Arrested
1. The apostles heal a lame man and simply preach in the temple. Specifically, what actions or messages from the apostles upset the religious leaders, and how did the leaders respond?
2. As you picture the authorities approaching the two apostles, how do imagine the encounter? Identify the emotions or thoughts going through their minds as they are led away and spend the night in a cell.
3. Despite witnessing Peter and John’s arrest by the religious authorities, the crowd still embraces faith in Jesus. Why does persecution fortify the faith of some but destroy the faith of others (cf. Luk 8:6, 13)?

Friday – Acts 4:5-12 Peter and John Address the Sanhedrin
1. First Jesus was on trial, not it’s the apostles. The authorities demand to know, “By what power or by what name did you [heal the lame man]?” What do you think is the Sanhedrin’s motivation for their question?
2. How does Peter's Holy Spirit-inspired response (cf. Luk 12:11-12; 24:12-15), which boldly proclaims Jesus as the source of the miracle, challenge the authority and beliefs of the Sanhedrin?
3. Peter brings his speech to a dramatic conclusion with his declaration, “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (v. 12). How does this truth shape your faith and your approach to declaring the gospel to others?

Luke / Acts Week 31 – July 29-Aug 2

Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday – Acts 1:15-26 Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas
1. As the group of about 120 disciples gather, Peter stands and announces that the apostle Judas must be replaced. Outline his justification for this action, qualifications for, and responsibilities of an apostle.
2. Judas is not replaced because he died, rather because he “turned aside to go to his own place.” Why do you think this is an important distinction to make?
3. The process of choosing Matthias by seeking the scriptures, praying, and casting lots provides great insight into Biblical decision-making when faced with a tough choice. How can you apply this process today in that decision you’re wrestling with?

Tuesday – Acts 2:1-13 The Coming of the Holy Spirit
1. Use five adjectives to describe the events surrounding the coming of the Holy Spirit.
2. Considering the apostles’ Jesus-given mission to spread the gospel to the whole world (1:8), what is significant that the Holy Spirit inspired tongues are not gibberish but understandable languages?
3. The coming of the Holy Spirit amazes and astonishes some people but causes others to mock. Why do the words/works of the Holy Spirit bring life to some and judgment to others?

Wednesday – Acts 2:14-21 Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost Prt. 1
1. Peter begins preaching around 9:00 in the morning in response to the claim that he and the eleven are filled with wine. From where in the Old Testament does Peter begin his message?
2. How does Peter connect the outpouring of the Spirit to the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy? 
3. Peter discusses “The Great and Magnificent Day of the Lord,” and we recognize that a day of judgement is coming. Who can you love enough today to warn about the judgement that is coming?

Thursday – Acts 2:22-36 Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost Prt. 2
1. As he continues his message, Peter moves to make a direct application to the audience. How would you describe the tone with which the apostle characterizes the resurrection?
2. For the second time in this sermon, Peter quotes a Psalm of David, this time Psalm 110: the most quoted Old Testament passage in the New Testament. How does Peter use David's prophecy to support the claim of Jesus' resurrection?
3. Peter testifies to Jesus as both Lord and Christ. What distinguishes these titles, and how does understanding Jesus as both Lord and Christ influence your decisions this week?

Friday – Acts 2:37-41 Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost Prt. 3
1. In response to Peter's sermon, the Jews are deeply affected. What emotions and thoughts do you believe Luke is conveying when he says they were "cut to the heart"? Why do you think Peter's
message resonated so powerfully with his audience?
2. The people cry out to the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Write out Peter’s response in v. 38. Drawing from passages such as Rom 6:3-4; Col 2:11-15; 1 Pet 3:21 explain why baptism is the right response of a believing heart.
3. Peter has come a long way since the night he denied knowing Jesus. What experiences do you think would be necessary for you to undergo a similar change and find the courage to proclaim your faith in Jesus with others?

Luke / Acts Week 30 – July 22-26

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday – Luke 24:36-49 Jesus Appears to His Disciples
1. No sooner do the two travelers to Emmaus return with the news that Jesus is alive than the Lord Himself appears to the group of disciples. Note they were “startled and frightened,” why do you think they reacted this way?
2. Luke compresses the timeline of forty-days from Jesus’ resurrection to ascension into one scene (Act 1:3). Outline the different proofs Jesus offers the disciples to prove He is resurrected and alive.
3. Look at vv. 36-49 as a seeker sincerely examining the facts about Jesus’ resurrection. Which facts or implications intrigue you? Which puzzles you?

Tuesday – Luke 24:50-53 The Ascension
1. Luke ends his gospel with Jesus’ ascension to heaven. What do you think the last walk together is like for the disciples?
2. As He ascends, Jesus blesses (prays) His followers. In your own words, write out what you imagine Him saying, the tone of His voice, and the look on His face.
3. Returning to Luke’s Dedication to Theophilus (1:1-4), how has reading the third gospel helped you have “certainty concerning the things you have been taught”?

Wednesday – Acts 1:1-5 Luke’s Prologue to Acts
1. Combining the prologues for the Gospel of Luke and Acts, what does Luke say his twin works are meant to do for Theophilus? In what ways do these purposes resonate with you
2. What is significant about the fact that Jesus shows Himself to the apostles and gives many convincing proofs that He is alive?
3. The mission of the apostles and early church is to take the gospel message to their neighbors and beyond. How well are you fulfilling your Jesus-given mission of spreading the gospel? Your local church? Reflect on what you hope to gain from reading Acts to better empower your evangelism. 

Thursday – Acts 1:6-11 The Ascension
1. Forty days following His resurrection, Jesus ascends to heaven. Identify the mission He gives the disciples. What, according to the angels, should be their motivation for keeping Jesus’ command?
2. Picture yourself as one of the apostles witnessing Jesus’ ascension into heaven. What do you see, hear, think, say, feel, etc.? Using Dan 7:13-14; Rev 5:1-14, describe heaven’s jubilee when Jesus returns.
3. The primary way that Jesus equips the apostles is the promise of the Holy Spirit. What is going to be the result of the Holy Spirit coming on them (ref. John 16:5-15)?

Friday – Acts 1:12-14 The Disciples Gathered in Prayer
1. Instead of passively waiting, the apostles act, first through prayer. What do you think drove this small band of believers to devote themselves to intense prayer?
2. From your perspective, why is group prayer vitally important in the life of a Christian and a congregation?
3. Luke notes everyone in the room from the eleven apostles (sans Judas Iscariot) to the women (cf. Luk 8:1-3; 23:55-24:11) to Jesus’ mother Mary, and His brothers (cf. Mrk 3:20-21; Jhn 7:5). Reflect on the events that brought them to this room together. How amazing is it that they could pray together?

Luke / Acts Week 29 – July 15-19

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday – Luke 23:44-49 The Death of Jesus
1. Each gospel records the darkness over the land from the “sixth hour” (12:00 PM) until the “ninth hour” (3:00 PM). This is longer than any eclipse, so it is certainly miraculous! How can you imagine the difference between the sounds of nature and the crowd, during these three hours of darkness?
2. After Jesus breathes His last, the crowds who had come together to watch this seem to depart sorrowfully as they “beat their breasts” while leaving. Why do you think they are all so distressed?
3. Jesus' final words on the cross are "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” In His final moments, Jesus completely entrusts Himself to God. How will you place your full trust in God this week?

Tuesday – Luke 23:50-56 Jesus is Buried
1. Each of the gospels record Joseph of Arimathea asking Pilate for Jesus’ body and preparing His body for the tomb (cf. Mat 27:58-60; Mrk 15:42-46; Jhn 19:38-42). Consider, how might this conversation have sounded? How might his act have been interpreted by his fellow council members?
2. Before preparing the spices and perfumes, the women see not just that Jesus’ body is laid, but how it is laid. How might this small detail impact the memory they carry with them? 3. Joseph is described as someone “waiting for the kingdom of God.” At the same time, he is taking action to honor the body of Jesus. How can you, today, take care of the body of Jesus while waiting for the coming of the Kingdom of God? (consider Col 1:24)

Wednesday – Luke 24:1-12 The Resurrection
1. The pinnacle moment of our faith is Christ Arose! In what ways does this great event elevate the importance of the “First Day of the Week”?
2. The fact that a man is resurrected cuts against the grain of ancient thinking (cf. Act 17:30-32). Read and outline Paul’s defense of the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15.
3. Mary Magdalene, and the other women, have no special title, yet they play a crucial role in spreading the news of the resurrection. Why is it important we all share the good news of Jesus’ resurrection?

Thursday – Luke 24:13-27 On the Road to Emmaus
1. Only Luke and Mark (16:12) mention the fascinating narrative about two journeying from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It is only a trip of seven miles, but given their mood how do you imagine the walk going?
2. Then the resurrected Jesus joins the travelers, how do you imagine the journey changing as He interprets for them from the “Scriptures the things concerning Himself”?
3. When have you found yourself “foolish and slow of heart” to believe the Scriptures? How did the Lord open your eyes to His truths?

Friday – Luke 24:28-35 The Disciple’s Eyes Opened
1. Jesus finally reveals Himself to Cleopas and his companion through the breaking of the bread. How is Jesus revealed to you and the church through His memorial supper? (cf. 1 Cor 11:23-26)
2. What is the immediate response of the two upon recognizing that it is Jesus explaining the scriptures to them? How do you imagine the return journey back to Jerusalem?
3. Though these two spent all this close time with Jesus, it isn’t until He is gone, that they recognize Him! When was a time in your life when, looking back, you recognize Jesus’ presence through it all?

Luke / Acts Week 28 – July 8-12

Monday, July 08, 2024

Monday – Luke 23:1-5 Jesus Before Pilate
1. After Jesus’ arrest, He is taken into custody and placed before a series of judges for trial. Who here does Luke describe as bringing Jesus before Pilate?
2. Why do you think the Jewish leaders focus on the accusations of Jesus misleading the people and claiming to be a king? Consider the significance of these charges.
3. Those accusing Jesus are not only the religious elite but the common man as well. How might we be tempted to follow the crowd today?

Tuesday – Luke 23:6-12 Jesus Before Herod
1. The motives of the religious leaders persecuting Jesus are not pure in heart. How does the description of Herod's reaction to Jesus differ from the reaction given by the chief priests and teachers of the law?
2. Herod hopes to see a sign from Jesus, but the text mentions Jesus gave "no answer" to Herod's questions. Why might this have been the correct response given the situation?
3. Like Pilate, sometimes we try to avoid making difficult decisions by passing them on to someone else. When was a time you did this? Describe the consequences.

Wednesday – Luke 23:13-25 Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified
1. The name of the convict the crowd chooses to release, Barabbas, means “son of the Father.” As this sinful “son of the father” roams free, the sinless Son of The Father takes his place. Shockingly, what are the charges against Barabbas?
2. Before ultimately sentencing Jesus to be crucified, Pilate attempts to appease the crowd by having Jesus flogged (see John 19:1). Why do you think this does not appease the mob’s bloodlust?
3. Pilate sets aside his bias, give Jesus an honest look and concludes that he finds “no guilt” in Jesus. Still, Pilate chooses to deny what he knows is right and turns Jesus over to be crucified. We may give Jesus an honest look, but how might we still crucify Him in our actions?

Thursday – Luke 23:26-38 The Crucifixion
1. With Jesus physically unable to carry His cross, the soldiers compel Simon of Cyrene into service (cf. Mrk 15:21). What do you think this experience is like for him? How can you imagine it changing his life? 
2. Mourners, namely women, follow behind Jesus. Summarize Jesus’ words to the women and its meaning for them (cf. Luk 13:31-35; 21:5-38)?
3. While the leaders and one criminal revile Jesus, Luke alone records Him saying, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Describe Jesus’ attitude toward those crucifying Him. How can you apply His example of forgiveness in your own life when we face injustice or persecution?

Friday – Luke 23:39-42 The Thief on the Cross
1. Luke alone highlights the words of the second criminal. What might be his reason for this focus?
2. From Mat 27:44; Mrk 15:32b we learn that at first both criminals revile Jesus. Why do you think the second thief changes from reviling to recognizing Jesus' innocence and authority?
3. How do you think the words, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” sounded in the ears of the dying thief? How can you share the message of hope and redemption found in Jesus with those who are lost or hopeless, even in their darkest moments?

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