This Year's Theme

This Year's Theme

We have a theme that we organize our classes and teaching around each year.  

In 2024, our theme is:  Reaching Out

The Bible is more than just a list of doctrines that we are to believe or a depository of things we are supposed to do. Rather, it is a story. The Bible tells the greatest, most compelling story of all time. From beginning to end, the Scriptures tell the story of God’s dealings with mankind; a chronicle of His unfolding plan to bring His children to the goal for which He made us - communion with Him.

We are excited for this year and pray that you will make fresh discoveries about our God and Savior Jesus Christ through your interactions with us here at Jackson Heights.   



Come find your place at Jackson Heights, where you can serve God and glorify Him!

Please come visit us, try our bible classes for all ages, and experience the worship of the God you can read about in the Bible!

Questions?  Reach out to us at