

“If Christ Is Raised”

Categories: M. W. Bassford, Meditations

In our preaching and teaching this quarter, we are focusing on devotion to the apostles’ teaching.  Last week, Clay observed—and correctly so—that the essence of the apostles’ teaching is that Jesus was raised from the dead.  Through the early part of Acts, it seems like Peter and the rest can’t hardly get two words out of their mouths without referring to the resurrection in some way.

The apostles didn’t spend so much time on it because the resurrection was fun to talk about.  Instead, it is nothing less than the most significant event in human history.  It’s significant for the way we live.  As Clay pointed out, we disciples live a resurrected life that is dramatically different from the life of the worldly.

However, the implications don’t stop there.  The resurrection doesn’t only change our attitudes and behavior.  It transforms the way we understand reality.  Everything about human existence is different because of the resurrection.  I know this is a huge claim, but the Scriptures bear it out.  This morning, then, let’s consider only some of the implications if Christ is raised.

The first of these is that HE IS A TRUE PROPHET.  Consider the test of Deuteronomy 18:18-22.  Though this test is inspired, we could arrive at the same conclusion using common sense.  We can know that a man speaks for God if he correctly predicts the future. 

After all, we can’t do that.  Weather forecasters with advanced degrees and massively complicated computer models can’t even tell us if it’s going to rain next Thursday!  If somebody does correctly predict the future, especially in a specific and unlikely way, it validates his claim to be God’s prophet.

Jesus did exactly that when He predicted His own death, burial, and resurrection.  We’ve talked about how prevalent the resurrection is in Acts.  The funny thing is that it’s nearly as prevalent in the gospels.  Jesus is constantly telling people that He is going to rise from the dead, directly, by implication, and by metaphor.  Even His enemies knew that His own resurrection was a big part of His teaching.

In rising from the dead, Jesus confirms His own predictions, passes the Deuteronomy 18 test, and proves Himself to be a true prophet.  Thus, the rest of Deuteronomy 18 applies.  We must accept that Jesus speaks for God, and we also must hear God’s warning that He will hold accountable everyone who does not listen to Jesus.

This has immense significance for the way we read the gospels.  The God who raised Jesus from the dead surely also would safeguard the words of His prophet, so we can be confident that the gospel accounts of Jesus’ teaching correctly represent that teaching.  If Jesus said it, we are right to believe it, and we must obey it.

This has many implications, but one of the most important is that JUDGMENT, HEAVEN, AND HELL ARE REAL.  We see this in many places in Jesus’ teaching, but Matthew 25:31-46 brings all three together.  We don’t have time to delve into the subtleties of this passage, but its broad outlines are simple and clear.  The day will come when Jesus will judge the nations according to their works.  This judgment will vindicate the righteous, and He will invite them into eternal life.  However, it will condemn the wicked, and He will send them away into eternal punishment.  Because of the resurrection, we know that we can trust what Jesus says about the afterlife.

Brethren, this conviction transforms my life right now.  Because I know that my time on earth is comparatively short, I naturally spend a lot of time thinking about what will happen next.  Are the atheists right, and I am about to be as permanently dead as my grandfather’s dog?  Is some other religion right, and I should have been giving my allegiance to Mohammed, Krishna, or some other mystical figure?  Or, instead, can I continue to rely on the Lord I have served all my life?

The resurrection answers these questions for me.  Because Jesus rose, I can know that what He has said will happen, will happen.  Thus, even though I am dying, I can and must continue to live with purpose.  I inevitably will stand before the throne of God and give an account, so I’d better get ready for it!  Similarly, the most important thing I can do with my time is help others get ready to give their account.  I can’t give up now because the resurrection fills every day I have left with profound meaning.

Finally, if Jesus rose, LIFE IS ONLY POSSIBLE THROUGH HIM.  Consider His words in John 14:1-6.  This passage reaffirms what we saw in Matthew 25.  Currently, Jesus is preparing an eternal home for the righteous, where they will dwell eternally with God. 

So far, so comforting, but Jesus’ next words are shocking.  Indeed, billions of people would find them infuriating and offensive.  The only way into eternal life is Jesus.  Apart from Him, no one is going to reach that heavenly dwelling place with God.  All those other holy figures are liars and frauds.  They have nothing to offer us.  Similarly, atheists are murderers.  Everyone who listens to them will pass into eternal death instead.

Among other things, Jesus’ words here are an affront to our society that prizes tolerance above all else.  No, you can’t be transgender and hope to inherit eternal life.  Jesus says that God created them male and female.  No, you can’t get unscripturally divorced, remarry, and pretend that you’re righteous.  Jesus says that’s adultery.  No, you can’t call Jesus “Lord”, refuse to obey Him, and act like it’ll be good enough.  Jesus will tell you that He never knew you.  He is the way, the truth, and the life, and there is no other.

In short, Jesus’ words allow no room for compromise.  Either you are with Jesus in everything, or you are against Him and on the fast track to eternal disaster.  This is a hard saying indeed!  We don’t like people who say to us “My way or the highway,” but Jesus is the ultimate in my-way-or-the-highway.  However, this ideologue, this tyrant who wants to control every aspect of our lives, is also the One who rose from the dead.  We obey Him because of the resurrection.  We have no other choice.